Eye Donor Awareness Month is celebrated each year in March, raising awareness about eye donation while honoring eye donors and corneal transplant recipients. It also acknowledges the contributions of corneal surgeons and the supportive families of donors. Thanks to the altruism of over 70,000 eye donors annually, more than 48,000 Americans regain their vision through corneal transplants. The Eye Bank Association of America commemorates National Eye Donor Month by honoring the selfless act of donating corneas posthumously.
History of Eye Donor Awareness Month
Since humanity’s earliest days, the ability to see has been invaluable. However, eye donation and surgery to aid visual impairment emerged only later in history. Eduard Konrad Zirm, M.D., performed the first successful full-thickness corneal transplant in the early 20th century, which initiated a significant era of research and innovation in corneal transplantation techniques. Zirm’s eye bank, during its operation, assisted over 47,000 patients. Eye banks play a crucial role by collecting, preparing, and distributing donated eyes for cornea transplants and research, supporting over 80,000 transplants annually in the U.S. to treat conditions like keratoconus and corneal scarring. The ‘white’ part of the eye, at times, is used for surgical restoration. ‘Recovery’ describes the process of obtaining organs or tissues from a deceased donor, replacing outdated terms like ‘harvesting’ and ‘procurement,’ which are considered inappropriate. Once a donor passes away, the next of kin or a donor registry is contacted for consent. Recovery technicians then retrieve the donor’s eyes, either taking the entire eye, known as the ‘globe,’ or removing the cornea in situ for storage. Various storage media are utilized in eye banking, including commercial preparations and organ culture media. Subsequently, eye tissue is sent to an eye bank for examination and preparation. The Eye Bank Association of America has set comprehensive medical standards for eye banks and standardizes the training and certification of eye bank technicians. National Eye Donor Month celebrates the efforts of the E.B.A.A. and all individuals contributing to the gift of sight.
- 1905: Eduard Konrad Zirm performs the first successful cornea transplant.
- 1944: R. Townley Paton establishes the first eye bank.
- 1961: The Eye Bank Association of America is founded.
- 1983: President Ronald Reagan declares March as National Eye Donor Month.
Eye Donor Awareness Month FAQs
- Is the entire eye used for transplantation? No, only the cornea is used for transplants, while the remainder contributes to research.
- What is a cornea? The cornea is the eye’s outermost, transparent, dome-shaped layer covering the front.
- What happens if the cornea is damaged? Corneal diseases and injuries cause clouding and scarring, hindering light entry and impairing vision.
How to Observe Eye Donor Awareness Month
- Learn about eye donation: Educate yourself on how eye donation impacts lives. The E.B.A.A. provides resources for further learning.
- Share and see stories: Discover life-changing stories online about eye donation and share them to spread awareness.
- Give the gift of sight: After researching, consider registering as an eye donor — a noble way to enhance someone’s life.
5 Interesting Facts About Eyes
- They are complex: Only the brain is more complex than the eyes.
- They can multitask: Eyes focus on 50 different objects every second.
- They can be scary: Ommatophobia is the fear of eyes.
- There’s a lot more than we see: Only one-sixth of the eyeball is visible.
- It can’t do everything: You can’t sneeze with your eyes open.
Why Eye Donor Awareness Month is Important
- It can change people’s lives: Eye donation gives individuals the gift of living life to its fullest potential.
- It’s a difficult field: The eye donation and transplantation process involves considerable challenges, deserving recognition.
- It encourages donation: Learning about the profound impact of eye donation can inspire more people to become donors, fostering significant global change.
For more information, visit https://findnomore.net.
What is the date of Eye Donor Awareness Month every year?
Year of Event | Day | Day of the week | Take place |
Eye Donor Awareness Month 2024 | Day 1 Month 3 Year 2024 | Friday | 0 days |
Eye Donor Awareness Month 2025 | Day 1 Month 3 Year 2025 | Saturday | 0 days |
Eye Donor Awareness Month 2026 | Day 1 Month 3 Year 2026 | Sunday | 354 days |
Eye Donor Awareness Month 2027 | Day 1 Month 3 Year 2027 | Monday | 719 days |
Eye Donor Awareness Month 2028 | Day 1 Month 3 Year 2028 | Wednesday | 1085 days |
Eye Donor Awareness Month 2029 | Day 1 Month 3 Year 2029 | Thursday | 1450 days |
Eye Donor Awareness Month 2030 | Day 1 Month 3 Year 2030 | Friday | 1815 days |
Eye Donor Awareness Month 2031 | Day 1 Month 3 Year 2031 | Saturday | 2180 days |