Feast Of The Ass Day



The Feast of the Ass, celebrated on January 14, has its roots in medieval Christianity and serves as a commemoration of the Israelites’ escape into Egypt. This unique celebration was primarily found in France, where it evolved from the Feast of Fools, which highlighted biblical stories involving donkeys, especially the one that carried the Holy Family into Egypt after Jesus was born. This feast is thought to be a Christian interpretation of the ancient pagan festival, Cervulus, merging it with the Nativity tale’s donkey. The first recorded celebration occurred in the 1000s, featuring various biblical narratives. Furthermore, it was influenced by the pseudo-Augustinian text, ‘Sermo contra Judaeos.’ However, after the Catholic Church condemned such festivities in the latter half of the 15th century, the Feast of the Ass lost its popularity, much like the Feast of Fools, which faced even harsher criticism.

The Feast of the Ass honors all donkeys mentioned in the Bible, with a special focus on the donkey believed to have carried Jesus and his family to Egypt to escape King Herod’s decree to kill young boys. Another notable biblical story includes the donkey Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Additionally, a donkey is said to have been present in the manger at Jesus’ birth. During the celebration, a girl would ride a donkey through town to the church, while onlookers would sing songs about her journey, either carrying a baby or being pregnant herself. Upon arriving at the church, the donkey was given food and water and stood near the altar for the service. The audience would respond to the priest’s words with braying, and sometimes the priest would join in as well. This celebration was particularly lively in Beauvais, a city in northern France.

Here’s a quick timeline of the Feast of the Ass:

  • 4600–4000 B.C.: The first domestication of donkeys occurs in Egypt.
  • 1000s: The inaugural Feast of the Ass takes place.
  • 1450s: The Catholic Church bans the observance of the Feast of the Ass and the Feast of Fools.
  • 1929: Miniature donkeys are introduced to the United States.

Feast of the Ass Day FAQs:

  • What kind of donkey did Jesus ride?
    Jesus rode a Nubian donkey, which is known for having a cross-like marking on its back, believed to signify its role in bringing Him to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
  • What does a donkey symbolize spiritually?
    In ancient cultures, donkeys held significant symbolic meaning. In the New Testament, their association with Christ has led to their representation as a symbol of human suffering and hope for salvation.
  • What are the characteristics of donkeys?
    Unlike horses, donkeys are not easily frightened and possess a strong sense of curiosity. Their defiance is actually a reflection of their acute self-preservation instincts.


How to Celebrate Feast of the Ass Day:


  • Ride a donkey: If you own one, consider taking a ride to commemorate the day. Alternatively, you could visit a zoo to see one in person.
  • Learn about the history: Grab a Bible and delve into the story of the Flight to Egypt. You’ll impress your friends with all the new insights you gain!
  • Play donkey-themed games: Why not inject some fun into the celebrations with games like “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”?

5 Mind-Blowing Facts About Donkeys:

  1. Donkeys come in various sizes; they can be as short as 26 inches or as tall as 68 inches.
  2. A donkey’s digestive system is incredibly efficient, utilizing over 95% of its food.
  3. In the desert, a donkey’s bray can be heard up to 60 miles away.
  4. Donkeys can see all four of their feet at the same time due to their unique vision.
  5. A donkey possesses more strength than a horse of similar size.

Why We Love Feast of the Ass Day:

  • We learn more about them: This holiday allows us to appreciate donkeys and their significance in popular Bible stories.
  • We’re animal lovers: Our affection for animals enhances the beauty of our world.
  • Moving in high company: Donkeys were the chosen means of transport for the Messiah, which adds to their importance.


What is the date of Feast Of The Ass Day every year?

Calendar Feast Of The Ass Day from now until 2031 What date is?
Feast Of The Ass Day
Year of Event Day Day of the week Take place
Feast Of The Ass Day 2024 Day 14 Month 1 Year 2024 Sunday 0 days
Feast Of The Ass Day 2025 Day 14 Month 1 Year 2025 Tuesday 0 days
Feast Of The Ass Day 2026 Day 14 Month 1 Year 2026 Wednesday 316 days
Feast Of The Ass Day 2027 Day 14 Month 1 Year 2027 Thursday 681 days
Feast Of The Ass Day 2028 Day 14 Month 1 Year 2028 Friday 1046 days
Feast Of The Ass Day 2029 Day 14 Month 1 Year 2029 Sunday 1412 days
Feast Of The Ass Day 2030 Day 14 Month 1 Year 2030 Monday 1777 days
Feast Of The Ass Day 2031 Day 14 Month 1 Year 2031 Tuesday 2142 days

For more detailed information, visit https://findnomore.net.


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