National Cheddar Day



A very cheesy day, National Cheddar Day is celebrated annually on February 13. Created by the Tillamook County Creamery Cooperation, this day celebrates the amazing cheese type called cheddar, and all its edible products. Cheddar cheese hails from the actual city of Cheddar in Somerset, South England.

History of National Cheddar Day
Did you know that cheddar cheese makes up over one-third of all cheese sold in the U.S.? It’s a favorite for many cheese lovers! This delicious cheese is unique not only for its taste but also for the method of its production, which originates from England. The picturesque Cheddar Gorge, located on the outskirts of the village of Cheddar in Somerset, features caves that provide just the right humidity and temperature for aging the cheese.

Cheddar cheese was first favored by the royal family and is believed to have been introduced to Britain by the Romans from the Cantal region of France. Joseph Harding, known as the father of cheddar cheese in the 19th century, played a crucial role in modernizing cheddar production. He promoted better dairy hygiene and introduced modern cheese-making techniques, leading to what is now called the ‘Joseph Harding method,’ the first scientific approach to Cheddar production.

One distinctive process that sets cheddar apart from other cheeses is called cheddaring. This step occurs after the cheese is heated, involving kneading the curd with salt, cutting it into cubes to drain whey, and then stacking and turning it, resulting in a denser, crumbly texture.

In 1894, celebrated cheesemaker Peter McIntosh brought his skills to Tillamook County, Oregon, and quickly earned the title of Cheese King of the Coast. This led to the formation of the Tillamook County Creamery Association, a cooperative owned by local farmers. In 2019, this association established National Cheddar Day on February 13 to celebrate Tillamook’s 110th anniversary and to share the love of cheddar with cheese enthusiasts across the nation.

National Cheddar Day Timeline

  • 1170: A pipe roll of King Henry II shows a purchase of 10,240 pounds of cheddar cheese.
  • 1857: Joseph Harding modernizes cheddar-making techniques in Somerset.
  • 1894: Peter McIntosh brings his cheese-making expertise to Tillamook County.
  • 2019: The establishment of National Cheddar Day by the Tillamook County Creamery Association.

How is National Cheddar Day Celebrated?
On National Cheddar Day, everyone is encouraged to indulge in all things cheddar. This could mean cooking with it, enjoying it in meals, or even making your own cheddar!

What is Cheddar Cheese Used For?
Cheddar cheese is incredibly versatile. It can be sliced for sandwiches, grated as a topping for soups or salads, made into curls for casseroles, or simply enjoyed in bite-sized pieces with fruit or on its own.

What Makes Cheddar Cheese Unique?
The key to cheddar’s popularity lies in the cheddaring process, which distinguishes it from other cheeses.

National Cheddar Day Activities

  • Savor Some Cheddar Cheese: There are countless meals featuring cheddar cheese that you can enjoy. Whether it’s a cheesy burger, perfectly grilled cheese, or a comforting bowl of mac and cheese, treat yourself to your favorite cheddar-filled dish.
  • Learn About Cheese Making: Gather your friends and family for a fun road trip to visit a local cheesemaker. If you’re in Tillamook County, you can see firsthand how they craft their famous cheddar.
  • Cook With Cheddar: Use this day to add some flair to your meals with cheddar cheese. Find a recipe that features cheddar and invite loved ones over for a delightful lunch or dinner.

5 Interesting Facts About Cheddar Cheese

  1. Mac and Cheese is a Fan Favorite: It tops the list as the most popular recipe incorporating cheddar cheese.
  2. A Royal Gift: Queen Victoria received an impressive 992-pound wheel of cheese as a wedding gift.
  3. America’s Second Favorite Cheese: Cheddar is the second most popular cheese in the U.S., just after mozzarella.
  4. Aging Perfection: Cheddar typically ages for at least three months, though one-and-a-half to two years is preferred for optimal flavor.
  5. America’s First Cheese Factory Specialized in Cheddar: The first cheese factory in the U.S. opened in 1851 in upstate New York and focused solely on cheddar.

Why We Love National Cheddar Day

  • Cheese Lovers Unite: If you’re a cheese enthusiast, National Cheddar Day is a day to rejoice! Cheese adds excitement to many of our everyday meals, and we can never get enough.
  • An Excuse to Indulge: While we often watch our fat intake, National Cheddar Day is the perfect reason to indulge in cheese without guilt. Go ahead and enjoy it!
  • Time to Experiment: This day is a fantastic opportunity to try new cheddar recipes. There are plenty of ideas online—pick one and get cooking!

So mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate this delightful day dedicated to cheddar cheese!

What is the date of National Cheddar Day every year?

Calendar Cheddar Day from now until 2031 What date is?
National Cheddar Day
Year of Event Day Day of the week Take place
Cheddar Day 2024 Day 13 Month 2 Year 2024 Tuesday 0 days
Cheddar Day 2025 Day 13 Month 2 Year 2025 Thursday 0 days
Cheddar Day 2026 Day 13 Month 2 Year 2026 Friday 347 days
Cheddar Day 2027 Day 13 Month 2 Year 2027 Saturday 712 days
Cheddar Day 2028 Day 13 Month 2 Year 2028 Sunday 1077 days
Cheddar Day 2029 Day 13 Month 2 Year 2029 Tuesday 1443 days
Cheddar Day 2030 Day 13 Month 2 Year 2030 Wednesday 1808 days
Cheddar Day 2031 Day 13 Month 2 Year 2031 Thursday 2173 days



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